Home of the Shining Stars


Study Zone, Homework Zone, Achievement Zone

A commitment to academic achievement and the success of our students in everyday life.

In order to support students who would benefit from academic intervention, Scott Middle School has developed a multi-tiered system to support students. Multi-tiered Systems of Support-Academic will help students be successful with:

  • Developing academic and life skills
  • Practicing and completing meaningful work
  • Building confidence
  • Decreasing stress
  • Increasing parent communication/engagement

Tier 1: Study Zone

After-School Study Time- Available for all students on a voluntary basis

  • Monday – Friday
  • 3:00—3:50 p.m. (Students are not required to stay until 3:50 p.m.)

Tier 2: Homework Zone

Teachers assign Homework Zone as a gentle reminder that completed assignments are an expectation of Scott students.

  • Monday – Thursday
  • 3:00—3:30 p.m. (Students are required to stay until 3:30 p.m.)
  • Parents will be notified by their child for each class they are assigned homework zone
  • Students will stay after school the same day they are assigned

Tier 3: Achievement Zone

Academic interventionists assign achievement zone and will provide support to help students become independent learners as well as evaluators of their own progress.

  • Monday – Thursday
  • 3:00—4:00 p.m. (Students are required to stay until 4:00 p.m.)
  • Parents will be contacted by the Academic Interventionist to discuss the Achievement Zone assignment
  • Students will stay after school for the number of days they are assigned
  • If a student skips achievement zone they may be reassigned to an additional day prior to a referral to an administrator

Tier 4: Referral to Administrator

If a student continues to struggle after Tiers 1-3, the Academic Interventionist will refer the student to an administrator for a parent meeting.

FAQ From Parents/Students about Homework Zone

Is Homework Zone a consequence?

  • At Scott we believe that doing meaningful work is important.
  • It is never not okay to not do your work! If a student needs help completing work, our Scott team is available after school to provide extra support.
  • Homework Zone is a SUPPORT, not a punishment!

Why would my child be assigned to Homework Zone?

  • Late work
  • Lengthy absences

How will I be notified if my child is assigned to Homework Zone?

  • A phone call will be made by your child for each class from the school phone.

What will happen if my child is late?

  • Students will stay in Homework Zone even if late and will be assigned the following day as well.

What will happen if my child skips Homework Zone?

  • The Homework Zone teacher will call if a child is not in attendance of Homework Zone.
  • The child will be assigned Achievement Zone from 3:15—4:00 p.m. the following day.

What are acceptable reasons to reschedule Homework Zone?

  • Band (6th grade only)
  • Medical Appointments
  • Illness
  • Communication with teachers about any prearranged activities

What are unacceptable reasons to reschedule Homework Zone?

  • Clubs and activities
  • Intramural sports