Home of the Shining Stars

Middle School Plan

A Guide for Parents & Students

“Middle school is a time of enormous opportunities and enormous risks.”

The Middle School Program is based upon quality characteristics that define high performing schools in the following three areas:

Academically Excellent

All students are expected to meet high academic standards. Curriculum, instruction and assessment are aligned with state and national standards. Teachers work with students to achieve their potential and are aware of the dynamic cognitive growth that is occurring. Students begin to think in more abstract and complex ways.

Developmentally Responsive

Schools create an environment that supports students’ intellectual, social, and physical development. Students have opportunities to explore and investigate topics and interests throughout the school day as well as before and after school. Partnerships with parents and the community are formed to enhance the well being of the students.

Socially Equitable

Schools will have a culture of high expectations for all students and are committed to helping students achieve to their potential. The history and culture of students are honored. Parents and communities are engaged in supporting all students.

Individual Student Needs

Students will have the opportunity to have their special academic needs met. Special education students will have individualized education plans (IEPs) developed in order to meet designated goals. These goals will help to develop the student’s school day.

Students who are eligible to participate in differentiated courses will have the opportunity in 6th grade to be placed in differentiated English and math. The 7th and 8th grade curriculum will offer differentiated courses in English, math, social studies, and science.

Students who are below grade level in reading and math and meet specified criteria would be required to have additional instruction in reading and/or math. These interventions classes will provide additional strategies to help students acquire the necessary skills to be successful in school.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities outside the school day. These activities could include sports, music groups, and clubs of interest to middle school students. These activities are open to all middle school students.

Support in Middle School

Middle schools are committed to providing students an environment where they will feel part of a learning community. Students will have opportunities to interact with teachers and other adults in a positive manner. Schools will provide families and students with programs that will foster student health, wellness and safety.